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Silver Label for Mobile Homes

Here’s what our authority Technical Safety BC says:

“Used mobile homes (whether de-registered or not) may only be offered for sale in the Province of British Columbia without re-inspection provided that they bear an approval mark and that the wiring has not been altered. Additional wiring done under permit does not invalidate the original label. When the electrical wiring has been altered without a permit, the mobile home must be inspected and a new approval label applied.”

This means that unless your mobile home has a CSA sticker AND you are certain that the wiring has not been altered without a permit, you cannot sell a mobile home, house trailer, or some types of pre-fab houses until it has passed an inspection according to the BCSA guidelines.

Your wiring has been altered if any light fixtures, outlets or switches have been added or moved since the mobile home was manufactured and first sold.

It is very rare to see a mobile home without some alterations in the wiring, and it is rare to see alterations done under permit. ‘Under permit’ means that before the after-market electrical work was done, a licensed Electrical Contractor completed, submitted and paid for an Electrical Permit with the Authority then completed and filed the additional paperwork after the work was finished.

A Mobile Home Electrical Inspection generally takes 2-3 hours. We can do the inspection fastest when we can easily get to all outlets, switches, light fixtures and especially the main electrical panel. What costs time is having to move your furniture and possessions for access.

We will also have to go underneath the unit, so make sure we can get in there without having to move your stored goods out of the way; or let us know ahead of time and we can send out a labourer to take care of this before our technicians arrive.

Once we complete the inspection we will submit the proper forms to the Authority the next work day, and pay the fee ($208.95 as of May 2019).

BCSA will review the paperwork, inspect the work then, if they find the work was done correctly (100% of the time with Fairfield Electric) they will print your silver label sticker and send it to us, the contractors. This takes about a week.

We will then return to your mobile home and place the sticker on your electrical panel.


Silver Label for Mobile Homes Fairfield Electric, Victoria, BC